// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1f739d935676111cfff4b4693e3816e664797050&dn=gpl-3.0.txt GPL-v3-or-Later // How many characters to include on either side of match keyword const summaryInclude=60; // Options for fuse.js let fuseOptions = { shouldSort: true, includeMatches: true, tokenize: true, matchAllTokens: true, threshold: 0.0, location: 0, distance: 100, maxPatternLength: 64, minMatchCharLength: 3, keys: [ {name:"title",weight:0.8}, {name:"tags",weight:0.5}, {name:"categories",weight:0.5}, {name:"contents",weight:0.4} ] }; function getUrlParameter(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); let regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'); let results = regex.exec(location.search); return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } let searchQuery = getUrlParameter('q'); if(searchQuery){ document.getElementById("search-query").value = searchQuery; executeSearch(searchQuery); } else { document.getElementById('search-results').innerHTML = "

Please enter a word or phrase above

"; } function executeSearch(searchQuery) { // Look for "index.json" in the same directory where this script is called. fetch("/index.json"). then(function (response) { return response.json() }). then(function (data) { let fuse = new Fuse(data, fuseOptions); let result = fuse.search(searchQuery); if (result.length > 0) { populateResults(result); } else { document.getElementById('search-results').innerHTML = "

No matches found

"; } }); } function populateResults(result){ result.forEach( function (value, key) { let contents= value.item.contents; let snippet = ""; let snippetHighlights=[]; snippetHighlights.push(searchQuery); if(snippet.length<1){ var getSentenceByWordRegex = new RegExp( `[^.?!]*(?<=[.?\\s!])${searchQuery}(?=[\\s.?!])[^.?!]*[.?!]`, 'i' ); var maxTextLength = summaryInclude*2 // Index of the matched search term var indexOfMatch = contents.toLowerCase().indexOf( searchQuery.toLowerCase() ); // Index of the first word of the sentence with the search term in it var indexOfSentence = contents.indexOf( getSentenceByWordRegex.exec(contents) ); var start var cutStart = false // Is the match in the result? if(indexOfSentence+maxTextLength < indexOfMatch){ // Make sure that the match is in the result start = indexOfMatch // This bool is used to replace the first part with '...' cutStart = true } else { // Match is in view, even if we show the whole sentence start = indexOfSentence } // Change end length to the text length if it is longer than // the text length to prevent problems var end = start + maxTextLength if (end > contents.length){ end = contents.length } if(cutStart){ // Replace first three characters with '...' end -= 3; snippet += "…" + contents.substring(start, end).trim(); } else{ snippet += contents.substring(start, end).trim(); } } snippet += "…"; // Lifted from https://stackoverflow.com/posts/3700369/revisions var elem = document.createElement('textarea'); elem.innerHTML = snippet; var decoded = elem.value; // Pull template from hugo template definition let frag = document.getElementById('search-result-template').content.cloneNode(true); // Replace values frag.querySelector(".search_summary").setAttribute("id", "summary-" + key); frag.querySelector(".search_link").setAttribute("href", value.item.permalink); frag.querySelector(".search_title").textContent = value.item.title; frag.querySelector(".search_snippet").textContent = decoded; let tags = value.item.tags; if (tags) { frag.querySelector(".search_tags").textContent = tags; } else { frag.querySelector(".search_iftags").remove(); } snippetHighlights.forEach( function (snipvalue, snipkey) { let markjs = new Mark(frag); markjs.mark(snipvalue); }); document.getElementById("search-results").appendChild(frag); }); } // @license-end