{{ .Title }}

Chef: {{if .Params.authorurl }} {{.Params.AuthorName}} {{else}} {{.Params.AuthorName}} {{end}}
{{ with .Params.Category }}{{ partial "taxonomy/category" . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.Cuisine }}{{ partial "taxonomy/cuisine" . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.Tags }}{{ partial "taxonomy/tags" . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.yield }}

{{ i18n "yields" . }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Params.prepTime }}

{{ i18n "prepTime" . }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Params.cookTime }}

{{ i18n "cookTime" . }}

{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.Components}}

{{ i18n "components" }}

    {{ range . }}
  • {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with .Params.Ingredients }}

{{ i18n "ingredients" }}

    {{ range . }}
  • {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ i18n "directions" }}

    {{ range .Params.Directions }}
  • {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ with .Params.Components }}
↓ {{ i18n "this-is-a" }} {{ i18n "component-based-recipe" }} ({{ i18n "fancy-talk" }}). ↓
{{ range . }} {{ $compTitle := . }}
{{ range where $.Site.Pages "Title" $compTitle }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ range (.Resources.ByType "image") }}
{{ end }} {{ if .Params.Imagecredit }} camera icon {{ end }}

{{ i18n "ingredients" }}

    {{ range .Params.Ingredients }}
  • {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}
  • {{ end }}

{{ i18n "steps" }}

    {{ range .Params.Directions }}
  • {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.inspiration }}

Inspiration & Resources

{{ range .Params.inspiration }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Params.image }}
{{ with .Resources.GetMatch .Params.Image }} {{ with .Fit "1000x1000" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Params.imagecaption }}

Pictured: {{ .Params.imagecaption }}

{{ end }}
{{ end }}