+++ title = "Stove Top Popcorn" author = ["KemoNine"] publishDate = 2023-01-01 lastmod = 2023-01-01 draft = false layout="recipe" image="charlesdeluvio-PvAAYZx-yf8-unsplash.jpg" imagecaption="A small bowl of popcorn. The image was obtained from Unsplash at https://unsplash.com/photos/PvAAYZx-yf8" date="2023-01-01" AuthorName="KemoNine" AuthorURL="https://culinary.kemonine.info" category="Snack" cuisine="Snack" ingredients=[ "red popcorn kernels (or white or anything but yellow)", "sunflower oil", "medium ground salt", "ancho chilli powder (optional)" ] directions=[ "medium heat pot", "1 kernel thick layer of kernels on bottom of pot", "oil to coat all lightly", "cover", "pop until ~1s between pops", "put in bowl", "medium coarse salt dusting", "ancho chilli powder dusting", "drizzle with sunflower oil (like you would melted butter)", "toss to blend" ] +++