+++ title = "Pork Roast" author = ["KemoNine"] publishDate = 2023-01-01 lastmod = 2023-01-01 draft = false layout="recipe" image="benjamin-faust-XLxhM6UH4pA-unsplash.jpg" imagecaption="A black and white shot of caved meat, knife and fork on a cutting board. The image was obtained from Unsplash at https://unsplash.com/photos/XLxhM6UH4pA" date="2023-01-01" AuthorName="KemoNine" AuthorURL="https://culinary.kemonine.info" category="Dinner" cuisine="Comfort" ingredients=[ "1 4-5 lbs bone-in pork sirloin roast", "quartered russet potatoes", "carrots (baby or cut to about size of potato chunks)" ] directions=[ "sear roast on all sides on medium-high heat using olive oil", "place seared roast and veggies in roast pan", "add small amount of water to bottom of pan", "season with salt an dfresh ground pepper", "bake @ 350F for 2-2.5 hours", "check and stir every 20 minutes", "add more water to pan if it runs dry or low" ] +++ rosemary sprigs are a good spice addition