+++ title = "Banana Bread" author = ["KemoNine"] publishDate = 2022-12-05 tags = ["Baking", "Banana"] draft = false layout="recipe" image="jeff-siepman-MssPSnkV1yM-unsplash.jpg" imagecaption="A small loaf of banana bread on a dish with two slices cut. The image was obtained from Unsplash at https://unsplash.com/photos/MssPSnkV1yM" date="2022-12-05" AuthorName="KemoNine" AuthorURL="https://culinary.kemonine.info" category="Bread" cuisine="Snack" ingredients=[ "1 cup sugar", "1/3 cup butter, softened", "2 eggs", "1 1/2 cups mashed rip bananas (3-4 medium)", "1/3 cup water", "1 2/3 cup all purpose flour (do /not/ use self-rising flower)", "1 teaspoon baking soda", "1/2 teaspoon salt", "1/4 teaspoon baking powder", "1/2 cup chopped nuts" ] directions=[ "heat oven to 350", "grease bottom only of loaf pan 8.5x4.5x2.5 or 9x5x3", "mix sugar and butter in 2 1/2 quart bowl", "stir in eggs until blended", "add bananas and water", "beat 30 seconds", "stir in remaining ingredients except nuts just until moistened", "stir in nuts", "pour into pan", "bake until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean", "8 inch loaf 1 1/4 hours", "9 inch loaf 55 to 60 minutes", "cool 5 minutes", "loosen sides of loaf from pan", "remove from pan", "cool completely before slicing" ] +++