{{ define "title" }} {{ .Title }} ยท {{ .Site.Title }} {{ end }} {{ define "content" }} <div class="container" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Recipe"> <!-- call up the image and image credit link --> {{ with .Params.Image }} <div class="xs-p2"> <img itemprop="image" src="{{ . }}" /> </div> {{ else }} {{ range first 1 (.Resources.ByType "image") }} <div class="xs-p2"> <img itemprop="image" src="{{$.Site.BaseURL}}{{ .RelPermalink }}" /> </div> {{ end }} {{ end }} <article class="post-content px2"> <!-- call up the main recipe title and content --> <header class="post-header"> <h1 class="post-title center m1 sm-mt3" itemprop="name">{{ .Title }}</h1> </header> <div class="px2 mt3 clearfix"> <div class="sm-col-8 mx-auto" itemprop="description">{{.Content}}</div> </div> <div class="clearfix mt3"> {{ with .Params.yield }} <div class="sm-col sm-col-3"> <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "yields" . }}</h4> </div> {{ end }} {{ with .Params.prepTime }} <div class="sm-col sm-col-3"> <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "prepTime" . }}</h4> </div> {{ end }} {{ with .Params.cookTime }} <div class="sm-col sm-col-3"> <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "cookTime" . }}</h4> </div> {{ end }} </div> <!-- call up recipe and directions --> <div class="clearfix mt3"> <div class="sm-col sm-col-6 lg-col-6 recipeItems"> <!-- check if it's a component-based recipe --> {{ with .Params.Components}} <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "components" }}</h4> <ul> <!-- list components that make up recipe --> {{ range . }} <li> {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }} </li> {{ end }} </ul> {{ end }} {{ with .Params.Ingredients }} <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "ingredients" }}</h4> <ul itemprop="ingredients"> <!-- list ingredients that make up recipe --> {{ range . }} <li itemprop="recipeIngredient"> {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }} </li> {{ end }} </ul> {{ end }} </div> <div class="sm-col sm-col-6 lg-col-6 recipeItems"> <h4 class="blue mt0 mb2 xs-center">{{ i18n "directions" }}</h4> <ul itemprop="recipeInstructions"> {{ range .Params.Directions }} <li> {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }}</li> {{ end }} </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end recipe and directions --> <!-- check if it's a component-based recipe, render it --> {{ with .Params.Components }} <div class="components bg-darken-2 p2 mt3 mb3 center"> ↓ {{ i18n "this-is-a" }} <strong class="blue">{{ i18n "component-based-recipe" }}</strong> ({{ i18n "fancy-talk" }}). ↓ </div> <div class="clearfix mxn2"> {{ range . }} {{ $compTitle := . }} <div class="sm-col sm-col-4 px2 recipeItems"> {{ range where $.Site.Pages "Title" $compTitle }} <h4 class="blue center">{{ .Title }}</h4> {{ range (.Resources.ByType "image") }} <div class="image ratio bg-cover" style="background-image:url({{$.Site.BaseURL}}{{ .RelPermalink }});"> <img class="hide" itemprop="photo" src="{{$.Site.BaseURL}}{{ .RelPermalink }}" /> </div> {{ end }} {{ if .Params.Imagecredit }} <a href="{{ .Params.Imagecredit }}" class="right"> <svg class="js-geomicon geomicon" width="14" height="14" data-icon="camera" viewBox="0 0 32 32" style="fill:currentcolor"> <title>camera icon</title> <path d="M0 6 L8 6 L10 2 L22 2 L24 6 L32 6 L32 28 L0 28 z M9 17 A7 7 0 0 0 23 17 A7 7 0 0 0 9 17"></path> </svg> </a> {{ end }} <h4 class="blue regular xs-center">{{ i18n "ingredients" }}</h4> <ul class="ingredients" itemprop="ingredients"> {{ range .Params.Ingredients }} <li itemprop="ingredient"> {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }} </li> {{ end }} </ul> <h4 class="blue regular xs-center">{{ i18n "steps" }}</h4> <ul itemprop="instructions"> {{ range .Params.Directions }} <li> {{ with ( . | markdownify) }}{{ partial "recipe_item.html" . }}{{ end }} </li> {{ end }} </ul> {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} <!-- end components --> <br /> {{ with .Params.Category }}{{ partial "taxonomy/category" . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.Cuisine }}{{ partial "taxonomy/cuisine" . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.Tags }}{{ partial "taxonomy/tags" . }}{{ end }} </article> </div> {{ end }}