+++ title = "Cincinnati Chili" author = ["KemoNine"] publishDate = 2023-01-01 lastmod = 2023-01-01 draft = false layout="recipe" image="artiom-vallat-oVKbZx72I1U-unsplash.jpg" imagecaption="A top down view of a bowl of thin chili or stew. The image was obtained from Unsplash at https://unsplash.com/photos/oVKbZx72I1U" date="2023-01-01" AuthorName="KemoNine" AuthorURL="https://culinary.kemonine.info" category="Dinner" cuisine="Comfort" ingredients=[ "1 1/2 lbs ground beef", "2 tbsp chili powder", "1/2 tsp nutmeg", "1/2 tsp ground cloves", "1/2 tsp ground cumin", "1 tsp dried oregano", "1 dried bay leaf", "2 cups tomato sauce", "1/2 oz square cocoa", "1/2 tsp cayenne for hot, 1/4 for reasonable and 1/8 for almost none", "1 tbsp garlic powder", "1 tbsp worchestershire", "1 tbsp vinegar" ] directions=[ "brown beef", "add ingredients and 1/2 cup water", "simmer uncovered on low 60-90 mins" ] +++