Chili Seasoning

Published: December 5, 2022 • Last Updated: December 5, 2022
Chef: KemoNine • Category: Spice • Cuisine: Spice

Tags: Peppers


  • cumin - very little, no more than a half-teaspoon per pound of meat
  • oregano - three shakes
  • black pepper - 5-6 good cranks, about a teaspoon
  • onion powder, salt - a light layer across the pan, one you can easily see through
  • garlic powder - a bit more than that
  • chili powder - something like 3-4 Tbsp (1/4 c.)
  • paprika - cover the meat, 1/3 - 1/2 c.

Inspiration & Resources

  • thraeryn

Pictured: A spoon, full of red chili powder. The image was obtained from Unsplash at