Hugo Cuisine Book

A simple Hugo theme

GitHub license GitHub stars Hugo Demo Site

- [1. Requirements](#1-requirements) - [2. Installation](#2-installation) - [2.1. Install as git module](#21-install-as-git-module) - [2.2. Install as hugo module](#22-install-as-hugo-module) - [3. Configuration & Customization](#3-configuration--customization) - [3.1. Site configuration](#31-site-configuration) - [3.2. Customization](#32-customization) - [4. Contributing](#4-contributing) Credits: - Highly inspired by [Recipe-Book]( - Images from [Freepik]( ## 1. Requirements - Hugo extended version. ## 2. Installation ### 2.1. Install as git module - Navigate to your hugo project root and run: ```bash git submodule add themes/cuisine-book ``` - Run hugo (or set theme = "cuisine-book"/theme: hugo-book in configuration file) ```bash hugo server --minify --theme cuisine-book ``` ### 2.2. Install as hugo module You can also add this theme as a Hugo module instead of a git submodule. - Start with initializing hugo modules, if not done yet: ```bash hugo mod init ``` - Navigate to your hugo project root and add [module] section to `config.toml`: ```bash [module] [[module.imports]] path = '' ``` - Load/update the theme module and run hugo: ```bash hugo mod get -u hugo server --minify ``` ## 3. Configuration & Customization ### 3.1. Site configuration - There are a few configuration options that you can add to your `config.toml` file. ```toml # Your base url baseURL = "http://localhost/my-title" # Your page title title = "my-title" theme = "cuisine-book" # (Optional) Set this to true to enable Author. enableGitInfo = true [params] author = "Your Name" description = "Describe about you" # (Optional) Your logo in the header navbar which has to be stored in static folder. # If the logo is /static/logo.png then the path would be 'logo.png' logo = "logo.png" # (Optional) Enable comments template on pages # By default partials/comments.html includes Disqus template # See # Can be overwritten by same param in page frontmatter comment = true ``` ### 3.2. Customization - Extra customization: | File | Description | | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `static/favicon.png` | Override default favicon | | `assets/_custom.scss` | Customize or override scss styles | | `assets/_fonts.scss` | Replace default font with custom fonts (e.g. local files or remote like google fonts) | | `layouts/partials/comments.html` | Override comments.html template | - For example, you want to change default site's background. - Add new background to `static/`, named it as `background.png`. - Add `assets/_custom.scss` ```scss body { background-image: url("background.png"); } ``` ## 4. Contributing - Fork it. - Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`). - Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`). - Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`). - Create new Pull Request.