--- title: "Configuration" date: 2017-10-17T15:26:15Z lastmod: 2019-10-26T15:26:15Z draft: false weight: 20 --- You may specify options in config.toml (or config.yaml/config.json) of your site to make use of this theme’s features. For an example of `config.toml`, see [config.toml](https://github.com/thingsym/hugo-theme-techdoc/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) in exampleSite. ## Params # Source Code repository section description = "put your description" github_repository = "https://github.com/thingsym/hugo-theme-techdoc" version = "0.9.9" # Documentation repository section # documentation repository (set edit link to documentation repository) github_doc_repository = "https://github.com/thingsym/hugo-theme-techdoc" github_doc_repository_path = "" # Analytic section google_analytics_id = "" # Your Google Analytics tracking id tag_manager_container_id = "" # Your Google Tag Manager container id google_site_verification = "" # Your Google Site Verification for Search Console # Open Graph and Twitter Cards settings section # Open Graph settings for each page are set on the front matter. # See https://gohugo.io/templates/internal/#open-graph # See https://gohugo.io/templates/internal/#twitter-cards title = "Hugo Techdoc Theme" images = ["images/og-image.png"] # Open graph images are placed in `static/images` # Theme settings section # Theme color # See color value reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color custom_font_color = "" custom_background_color = "" # Documentation Menu section # Menu style settings menu_style = "open-menu" # "open-menu" or "slide-menu" or "" blank is as no sidebar # Date format dateformat = "" # default "2 Jan 2006" # See the format reference https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#hugo-date-and-time-templating-reference # path name excluded from documentation menu menu_exclusion = [ "archives", "archive", "blog", "entry", "post", "posts", ] # Algolia site search section # See https://www.algolia.com/doc/ algolia_search_enable = true algolia_indexName = "hugo-demo-techdoc" algolia_appId = "7W4SAN4PLK" algolia_apiKey = "cbf12a63ff72d9c5dc0c10c195cf9128" # Search-Only API Key #### `description` The document summary default: `put your description` #### `github_repository` URL of souce code repository default: `https://github.com/thingsym/hugo-theme-techdoc` #### `version` The version of souce code default: `0.9.9` #### `github_doc_repository` URL of documentation repository for editting default: `https://github.com/thingsym/hugo-theme-techdoc` #### `github_doc_repository_path` content directory path (when including the content directory in the repository) default: `""` #### `google_analytics_id` ID of Google Analytics default: `""` #### `tag_manager_container_id` Container ID of Google Tag Manager default: `""` #### `google_site_verification` Content value in meta tag `google-site-verification` for Google Search Console ``` ``` default: `""` #### `title` default open graph title for open graph default: `"Hugo Techdoc Theme"` #### `images` default open graph image for open graph Open graph images are placed in `static/images`. default: `["images/og-image.png"]` #### `custom_font_color` Header font color See color value reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color default: `""` #### `custom_background_color` Header background color See color value reference https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color default: `""` #### `menu_style` Documentation Menu style, Open Menu or Slide Menu default: `open-menu` value: `open-menu` | `slide-menu` #### `dateformat` default: `""` as `2 Jan 2006` #### `menu_exclusion` Path name excluded from documentation menu By default, we exclude commonly used folder names in blogs. default: `[ "archives", "archive", "blog", "entry", "post", "posts" ]` #### `algolia_search_enable` Enable Algolia search default: `true` value: `true` | `false` #### `algolia_indexName` Algolia index name default: `hugo-demo-techdoc` #### `algolia_appId` Application id default: `7W4SAN4PLK` #### `algolia_apiKey` Search-Only API Key default: `cbf12a63ff72d9c5dc0c10c195cf9128`