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Riley V' s Gumbo · KemoNine' s Culinary Notebook
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< h1 class = "post-title center m1 sm-mt3" itemprop = "name" > Riley V' s Gumbo< / h1 >
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Published: January 1, 2023
< / div >
< div class = "clearfix mt3" >
< a href = "https://culinary.kemonine.info" > KemoNine< / a >
Category: < a href = "https://culinary.kemonine.info/category/dinner/" > < span itemprop = "recipeCategory" > Dinner< / span > < / a >
Cuisine: < a href = "https://culinary.kemonine.info/cuisine/cajun/" > < span itemprop = "recipeCuisine" > Cajun< / span > < / a >
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< div class = "sm-col sm-col-6 lg-col-6 recipeItems" >
< h4 class = "blue mt0 mb2 xs-center" > Ingredients< / h4 >
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< input type = "checkbox" >
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< div class = "input-title" > 4 onions, maybe 5< / div >
< / li >
< li itemprop = "recipeIngredient" >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 1 head garlic< / div >
< / li >
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< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 6 bell peppers (any color)< / div >
< / li >
< li itemprop = "recipeIngredient" >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 1 celery stalk< / div >
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< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 1 cup veggie oil< / div >
< / li >
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< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 1 cup regular ass flower< / div >
< / li >
< li itemprop = "recipeIngredient" >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > chicken stock< / div >
< / li >
< li itemprop = "recipeIngredient" >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 2lbs shrimp (peeled!)< / div >
< / li >
< li itemprop = "recipeIngredient" >
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< input type = "checkbox" >
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< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > 4 crabs (dead easier to work with… )< / div >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "clearfix mt3" >
< div class = "sm-col sm-col-6 lg-col-6 recipeItems" >
< h4 class = "blue mt0 mb2 xs-center" > Directions< / h4 >
< ul itemprop = "recipeInstructions" >
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< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > fill dutch oven until ~2 thumbs down from top with stock and heat it up< / div >
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< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > make roux on medium-high heat with flour and oil ; whisk non stop until light golden brown color< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > stir roux into dutch oven< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > sweat onion, pepper, celery until just wilted and add to dutch oven< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > dutch oven @ roiling boil< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > put rice on @ some point above< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > season with salt, white pepper, cayenne, smoked paprika, etc< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > boil back down to 2 knuckles below lip< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > cook down 3-4 hours< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > turn heat to low and add seafood< / div >
< / li >
< li >
< div class = "checkbox-container" >
< label class = "checkbox-label" >
< input type = "checkbox" >
< span class = "checkbox-custom rectangular" > < / span >
< / label >
< div class = "input-title" > eat with rice once shrimp fully cooked< / div >
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< img itemprop = "image" src = "https://culinary.kemonine.info/recipes/2023/01/riley-vs-gumbo/sunira-moses-gI64ELP4FwA-unsplash_hud03b7884d7f40ebb536a166f51e30d02_4408521_1000x1000_fit_q75_box.jpg" style = "max-width:75%" / >
< figcaption >
< p > < b > Pictured:< / b > A metal strainer full of the food you' d cook in a shrimp boil. The image was obtained from Unsplash at https://unsplash.com/photos/gI64ELP4FwA< / p >
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