// Warning only use this for hardware debug! // See which addresses respond to a start condition. #include <I2cMaster.h> // select software or hardware i2c #define USE_SOFT_I2C 0 #if USE_SOFT_I2C // use analog pins 4 and 5 for this example // this allows a 328 shield to be used on the Mega // edit next two line to change pins const uint8_t SDA_PIN = A4; const uint8_t SCL_PIN = A5; // An instance of class for software master SoftI2cMaster i2c(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); #else // USE_SOFT_I2C // hardware master with pullups enabled TwiMaster i2c(true); #endif // USE_SOFT_I2C //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); uint8_t add = 0; // try read do { if (i2c.start(add | I2C_READ)) { Serial.print("Add read: 0X"); Serial.println(add, HEX); i2c.read(true); } i2c.stop(); add += 2; } while (add); // try write add = 0; do { if (i2c.start(add | I2C_WRITE)) { Serial.print("Add write: 0X"); Serial.println(add, HEX); } i2c.stop(); add += 2; } while (add); Serial.println("Done"); } void loop(void){}