## Adafruit Eagle Library Now in Eagle 6 format! ### Don't click on the files! [Click here](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Eagle-Library/zipball/master) to download this as a zip file. ### Installation 1. Open Eagle and select the `Control Panel` window. 2. Choose `Options` and from the drop down that appears, `Directories`. 3. Change the Libraries line from: `$EAGLEDIR/lbr` to something like: > $EAGLEDIR/lbr:$HOME/external_lbrs (for OS X) > $EAGLEDIR\lbr;$HOME\external_lbrs (for Windows) 4. Click `OK` to save your changes. 5. Eagle will prompt to create the directory if it does not already exist. Note the location and choose `Yes` to create the directory. > On OS X, `$HOME/external_lbrs` changes to: /Users/mosfet/external_lbrs/ > On Windows, `$HOME\external_lbrs` changes to: C:\Users\Mosfet\Documents\external_lbrs 6. Find and open the `external_lbrs` folder. Unzip and drag `adafruit.lbr` into the new `external_lbrs` folder. 7. Restart Eagle. The library should be now be usable.