add syndicated forms of kemonine's art blog posts ; syndicated with permission

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KemoNine 2023-03-23 13:18:40 -04:00
parent bd60c18bc0
commit 92996da489
19 changed files with 1148 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
title: Converting PDF Coloring Pages
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- art
- coloring
## Changelog
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{{< end_section >}}
## Required Program
{{< back_to_top >}}
If you have access to `imagemagick` you can quickly convert a PDF coloring page(s) to grayscale PNG using the below procedure and notes.
{{< end_section >}}
## Notes
{{< back_to_top >}}
- The `pdfimages` will get you a dpi listing for each page in the PDF that has an image, use that value instead of `300` in the below, **if** it is present.
- The `-type Grayscale` parameter can be removed if you need color output.
{{< end_section >}}
## Conversion
{{< back_to_top >}}
1. Install `imagemagick`
1. `pdfimages -list shipspage1.pdf`
1. ``for file in `ls *.pdf`; do convert -density 300 -type Grayscale ${file} ${file}.png; done``
{{< end_section >}}
## External Resources
{{< back_to_top >}}
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
title: Convert Photo to Coloring Page
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- art
- coloring
- krita
## Changelog
{{< changelog >}}
{{< change 2023-03-23 "Initial creation" >}}
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## Sounds Cool, Is Tricky
{{< back_to_top >}}
Before getting into how to convert a photo into a coloring page, I'd like to point out a fundamental concern: this is _not_ easy and a mild PITA. It also deserves some manual cleanup to get best results. I recommend doing this only if you have time to try the process and focus on some of the subtleties while also converting a ton of photos.
Like most forms of art, this one takes some practice to get desired results. I got disheartened early on but after running the process on tens of images I started getting a feel for what source images worked for conversion and as a more 'realistic' coloring page.
{{< end_section >}}
## Example Gallery
{{< back_to_top >}}
If you'd like to see a number of my photographs run through conversion to coloring page, I've published a number of pages at <>
{{< end_section >}}
## Critical Note
{{< back_to_top >}}
The following processes and procedures are a way to run the photo to coloring page conversion with [Krita]( That said, the process should be generally the same in other image editing programs.
{{< end_section >}}
{{< back_to_top >}}
This is the cheat sheet check list I use when converting pages. I recommend skipping this section for the full procedure in the following section(s) if you are new to this process.
1. Open image in Krita
2. Duplicate layer (ctrl - J)
3. Desaturate (average) (ctrl - shift - U)
4. Duplicate (ctrl - J)
5. Invert (ctrl - I)
6. Color dodge for layers
7. Gaussian blur
8. Levels (ctrl - L)
9. Merge layers (ctrl - E)
{{< end_section >}}
## Conversion Process
{{< back_to_top >}}
When I went digging for information I found plenty of guides for image editors and drawing apps that were _not_ Krita. The guides I found were for very common photo editing programs and apps but not for Krita. Thankfully every guide had a pretty consistent 'process' for converting photos to coloring pages.
As I was working through the info I did manage to find one video on performing the conversion in Krita. The video is up on [YouTube here]( and breaks down the process. I watched it on mute so I cannot speak to the commentary but the video walk through shows what you need to do within Krita quite nicely.
Rather than force folk, or my future self, to watch an almost 8 minute video that could be taken down, I've replicated the process the artist used as an ordered list below. The example gallery linked above used this conversion process.
1. Open photo as new image
2. Duplicate layer
3. Select new layer
4. Filter -&gt; Adjust -&gt; Desaturate
- Destauration method: average
5. Duplicate desaturated layer
6. Select new layer
7. Filter -&gt; Adjust -&gt; Invert
8. Layers docker -&gt; Change from 'Normal' to 'Color Dodge'
9. Filter -&gt; Blur -&gt; Gaussian blur...
- Increase both sliders until it looks reasonable as a coloring page
10. Filter -&gt; Adjust -&gt; Levels
- Adjust top slider middle arrow handle
- Adjust bottom slider right arrow handle
- Adjust remaining sliders, if desired, until it looks like a reasonable coloring page
11. Group all but background layer in layers docker
12. Duplicate group
13. Name original group 'archives', lock, hide
14. Merge the copied group layers together
15. Rename the merged group to something meaningful
16. Select group
17. Filter -&gt; Colors -&gt; Color to alpha
- Select white from color picker / sampler if not already selected
18. Use pencil brush + eraser to cleanup image
- Optional
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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
title: Digital Coloring and Drawing
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- art
- drawing
- coloring
- sketchbook-app
- krita
## Changelog
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{{< change 2023-03-23 "Initial creation" >}}
{{< /changelog >}}
{{< end_section >}}
{{< figure src="DSC02900-3.jpg" alt="A Surface Duo foldable phone showing Sketchbook full screen and a Surface Pen sitting on the corner of the screen at an angle. The work shown on-screen is a partially complete coloring page." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>An in-progress coloring page" >}}
## Analog? {#analog}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I've spent a long time staring at my sketchbook and wanting to draw and color but... my desk situation is such that I'd have to spend at least 5 minutes getting it cleared enough for drawing/coloring, then I'd have to put it back the way it was so I could type when I was done, I'd have to turn on the light at night (I like dark).
You see where this goes.
I've given up on Analog at this point for my coloring and drawing desires. My current living space isn't setup for it and the annoyance of re-configuration outweighs the desire most days.
{{< end_section >}}
## Digital? {#digital}
{{< back_to_top >}}
Given I gave up on Analog coloring and drawing I figured it was time to really commit to figuring out the mobile landscape for coloring and drawing. Note I intentionally avoided making desktop or laptop computers a requirement for my setup. I want to have this whenever/wherever in it's simplest form.
After some research into digital coloring and drawing I nearly walked away completely. Digital is a messy land of choices. Much like Analog there are a ton of options and you can go wrong, you can go right and everywhere in between.
Unlike Analog, there is no 'the humble pencil and paper' to fall back upon if you get overwhelmed. Thankfully I'm a stubborn human at times and found a good blend of options that get close to pencil/paper for simplicity and utility.
{{< end_section >}}
## What {#what}
{{< back_to_top >}}
The below will outline what I've managed to put togther for myself that works well, gets out of my way (read: simple) and works with my finger or a 'real stylus'. Basically the equivalent of pencil/paper that can get fancy if you desire. However, much like pencil/paper you don't need to dive deep to succeed.
The intent here isn't to become an artist using an iDevice living the Coffee Shop Life. It's to make coloring and drawing like Zentangle [(link)]( easy and more accessible. Ideally in a way that scales to match the moments desires.
See the [Complete Coloring Page](#complete-coloring-page) screen shot for a complete coloring page of mine.
{{< end_section >}}
## Requirements {#requirements}
{{< back_to_top >}}
The only hard requirement for this setup is Sketchbook [(link)]( from your preferred app store. The app itself is a simple looking drawing app (see screenshots below) but it has a lot of standard tools like image import, multiple brushes, full color palatte, eye dropper, layers and more. The website has a good FAQ and breakdown of features. I'll leave the devs to showcase the apps features.
This app was the key to unlocking the setup. It's available on iOS and Android for both phones and tablets. The interface is clean and simple despite having all kinds of tools available. Don't let the feature list overwhelm you, they are wholly optional and will stay out of your way for the most part.
For more detail on how I use the app, see the [Approach](#approach) section below.
{{< end_section >}}
## Nice To Have {#nice-to-have}
{{< back_to_top >}}
A stylus is a nice to have for this setup. I myself use a Surface Stylus with a Surface Duo primarily but also use an Adonit Dash with my phone when I don't have my Duo handy. Note this is not a requirement but can make/break the feel of the setup for some.
There are basically 3 options here:
### Device stylus {#device-stylus}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- Common Options: Apple Pencil / Surface Pen / S-Pen
- Pros
- Best precision of the stylus options
- Allows for finger/palm rejection to be setup
- Cons
- Requires device support
- Usually battery powered and requires charging
### Active stylus {#active-stylus}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- Common Option: Adonit Dash [(link)](
- Pros
- More precise than standard stylus
- Does not require device support
- Cons
- Battery powered and requires charging
- Less precise than device stylus
### Standard Stylus {#standard-stylus}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- Common Options: Adonit Jot / Adonit Mini [(link)]( / Rubber nub stylus
- Pros
- More precise than finger
- Does not require device support
- No battery
- Cons
- Less precise than active stylus
- May be harder to see where you're coloring/drawing
### In My Opinion... {#in-my-opinion-dot-dot-dot}
{{< back_to_top >}}
Each has its own pros and cons. I myself prefer the device stylus option over others but use an Adonit Dash if no device stylus is avilable.
Each option is valid and can make a big difference for how coloring and drawing using a digital device feels. I definitely couldn't use my finger as the primary way to color a picture. I need a bit more 'traditional' feel but others I know prefer their finger.
{{< end_section >}}
## Approach {#approach}
{{< back_to_top >}}
My approach to both coloring and drawing with Sketchbook is simple but super powerful. The key to the setup is having 4 layers, including the background.
Note: you can import your coloring page and just start coloring, nothing wrong with that. The below unlocked a lot of utility for me and some others I know. The approach below can make a very large difference for how the digital coloring and drawing experience feels.
### Pan/Zoom/Rotate {#pan-zoom-rotate}
{{< back_to_top >}}
In general I make heavy use of pan, zoom and rotate. They are the only two finger shortcuts in the app and if I hold a stylus comfortably I can still use two fingers for moving around my focus easily and fluidly. It took a little practice but made a big difference for me.
### Color Palate {#color-palate}
{{< back_to_top >}}
For choosing a color palate I generally use Coolors [(link)]( to generate a random color palate. I highly recommend this site if you don't want to build your own set of colors.
One trick with the site that I found really interesting: there is a little lock on each color shown on the generator output page. If you select the lock it'll lock the color so you can generate another palatte with that color as included. You can do this multiple times. Can be helpful for quickly finding complimentary colors to one that stands about above others.
I normally stick to a maximum of 5 colors for my images but that's a personal preference. This is art: let the mood strike.
### Brushes {#brushes}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I personally prefer charcoal and pencil brushes in Sketchbook. However, options like paint, pen, others are available if you use the layering approach I describe in the [Layers](#layers) section to retain the image detail.
If you're not sure go with a pencil/marker brush and see how it feels. This may take a little time to sort as you find your preferences.
### Layers {#layers}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I chop up my drawings and coloring pages into multiple layers. This is due to me wanting to keep the detal work above the coloring and shading without having to go back to cleanup when done coloring/shading. I've also worked on multiple images at the same time and try to keep some additional info 'handy' in case I don't work on an image for a longer period of time.
This approach works really well for flexibility while not being too complex overall.
That said: this works for me and others I've talked to. Your mileage may vary.
#### Layer 1 {#layer-1}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I setup the upper most layer as the coloring page / main drawing outline using the image import tool. I also set the blend mode to `Darken`. This lets me see the coloring page (or drawing) details above any colors or shading I add to the image.
This also lets me ignore the white background most coloring page PDF and image files have. By using Darken for blending, the white image background has no effect on the final image and essentially becomes transparent.
See the [Blending - Darken](#blending-darken) and [Blending - Normal](#blending-normal) screenshots below for how this works and can be setup.
#### Layer 2 {#layer-2}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I setup the 2nd highest layer to be coloring / shading. This is where I do all my coloring work in particular. By doing this on a layer separate from the main coloring page I can use opaque brushes (like paint ones) that would obscure a lot of the coloring page detail or my own drawings details.
Isolating my shading and color as a dedicated layer really helped me with some of the brush types like pens and paint brushes.
See the [In Progress Coloring Page](#in-progress-coloring-page) screenshot for an idea how this will look as you work.
#### Layer 3 {#layer-3}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I setup the 3rd highest layer to be notes and other information I want handy but not part of the final image. This includes my color pallate, brush notes and more. I keep this in my image for when I'm working but set the layer to invisible when exporting.
This is really helpful as I can now bounce between images as the mood may strike and not lose all the information I need to pickup where I left off.
See the [Palate Layer](#palate-layer) screenshot for how I have this setup in my images.
#### Background {#background}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I usually leave the background layer set to `White`. Feel free to adjust as you desire.
{{< end_section >}}
## Sourcing Coloring Pages {#sourcing-coloring-pages}
{{< back_to_top >}}
If you're looking for coloring pages both Patreon and Etsy have a lot of options available.
I've not had much of a problem finding pages via Patreon, Etsy and Google. I've even subscribed to a few patreon accounts to get regular updates from artists I like in the past.
{{< end_section >}}
## Conclusion {#conclusion}
{{< back_to_top >}}
I feel like I need a conclusion here. The above is what I use for digital coloring and drawing as well as some general info I've collected over time.
A number of humans I know have run with this and had success.
Hopefully you can do the same.
{{< end_section >}}
## Screenshots {#screenshots}
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### Complete Coloring Page {#complete-coloring-page}
{{< back_to_top >}}
<a id="figure--completed-page"></a>
{{< figure src="Complete---Fox-1.png" alt="An exported copy of the coloring page. The image is a fox colored in brown earth tones that skew yellow and red." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 2: </span>The completed coloring page" >}}
### In Progress Coloring Page {#in-progress-coloring-page}
{{< back_to_top >}}
<a id="figure--in-progress-page"></a>
{{< figure src="Blending---On-Top---Fox.png" alt="A zoomed in view of the coloring page with all of the toolbars, layers and brush information shown." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span>What I see as I work through coloring a page" >}}
### Palate Layer {#palate-layer}
{{< back_to_top >}}
<a id="figure--palatte-layer"></a>
{{< figure src="Palate-Layer---Fox.png" alt="A screen shot of the coolors palatte and which brush+settings I'm using for this coloring page. The image shows this as a dedicated layer that's locked." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 4: </span>The layer with all the info I need to work on the drawing at any time" >}}
### Blending - Darken {#blending-darken}
{{< back_to_top >}}
<a id="figure--blending-darken"></a>
{{< figure src="Blending---Darken---Layer---Fox.png" alt="The coloring page layer settings open showing 'Blending' set to 'Darken' and a box around the layer indicator that this has been set and is active." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 5: </span>This is how I make the clean lines in the final image" >}}
### Blending - Normal {#blending-normal}
{{< back_to_top >}}
<a id="figure--blending-normal"></a>
{{< figure src="Blending---Normal---Layer---Fox.png" alt="The coloring page layer settings open showing 'Blending' set to 'Normal' and a box around the layer indicater that this has been set and active." caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 6: </span>This is how I turn off the clean lines in images as I work" >}}
## Advanced Coloring With Krita {#advanced-coloring-with-krita}
{{< back_to_top >}}
For more advanced users and tablet users, Krita ([link]( is available. I personally prefer Krita as it has more advanced features around brushes and workflows compared to Sketchbook. I also find it easier to use for managing backups, images and some other items.
Krita has a steep learning curve compared to Sketchbook and my approach to coloring with Krita matches Sketchbook for image setup and high level workflow. Sketchbook is 100% valid and I _still_ recommend it over Krita day to day.
The below sections layout how I setup Krita overall and I leave the practical implementation of the below as an exercise for the reader.
{{< end_section >}}
### Resources I found that may be worth investigating {#resources-i-found-that-may-be-worth-investigating}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- [brush] Bic ballpoint: <>
- [brush] Copic Markers: <>
- [brush] Graphite: <>
- [brush] Sketch Pencils: `RM_Sketch_V1.bundle` from <>
- [brush] Charcoal: `Charcoal_KA.bundle` from <>
- [palate] copic marker colors: <>
- [palate] copic colors (more robust): <>
{{< end_section >}}
### Things to consider {#things-to-consider}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- bug fix input profile settings: <>
- s pen click button is mouse middle click on galaxy fold devices
- pop up palatte _is_ quick settings (like sketchbook puck)
- gestures in the config can likely do brush size up/dn and undo/redo
- can tune brush settings shown via the pop up palatte ui
- go through favorite brushes and set up to 10 ; these will show on the popup palatte
- use portrait mode when editing brushes ; you need the height to see everything and you can use the top of the pop-up window to move it left/right for full access
{{< end_section >}}
### External storage resources folder {#external-storage-resources-folder}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- export/prep everything you want to keep (reuse desktop default resources dir if desired)
- settings -&gt; resources
- use the ICON that pops the android folder selector
- select the folder you want to use and grant storage permissions to it
- save settings &amp; quit krita
- force stop krita in app settings
- (ONLY IF REIMPORTING EXPORTS) - relaunch krita and import data
- copy the resources dir you want to use to the selected folder
- launch krita. this _will_ take awhile and may look like its frozen
- clear any warnings/errors
- quit krita
- force stop krita
- relaunch and enjoy
{{< end_section >}}
### Settings {#settings}
{{< back_to_top >}}
- general
- window
- disable HiDPI support
- tools
- tool options location: in toolbar
- disable 'enable touch painting
- misc (when krita starts)
- show session manager
- save session on exit
- canvas input settings (use a non default profile / see above for saving fix)
- look for any gestures/touch/pen stuff that needs removing
- show pop up widget
- set to 'two finger tap'
- zoom canvas
- set gesture to five finger tap
- touch gestures
- set undo to four finger drag
- set redo to four finger tap
- set toggle canvas mode to three finger tap
- tablet settings
- adjust pressure curve
- pop-up palatte
- disable show rotation ring
- s pen actions
- click: show dockers
- double click: set eraser mode
- gestures: set all to do nothing
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GIMP Palette
Name: Copic322
Columns: 10
250 233 249 BV000
237 223 255 BV00
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208 209 255 BV02
131 147 215 BV04
106 92 158 BV08
206 185 230 BV11
147 154 227 BV13
125 125 189 BV17
227 227 255 BV20
187 186 223 BV23
134 133 176 BV25
82 82 111 BV29
221 220 247 BV31
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249 214 255 V000
232 204 244 V01
241 156 246 V04
255 130 218 V05
219 117 207 V06
123 63 151 V09
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165 122 204 V17
244 222 236 V91
225 183 208 V93
220 173 201 V95
127 94 120 V99
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250 223 255 RV000
253 222 255 RV00
255 215 249 RV02
255 106 206 RV04
255 74 217 RV06
255 28 167 RV09
251 232 254 RV10
254 219 243 RV11
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221 66 170 RV17
216 56 155 RV19
255 203 234 RV21
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255 93 183 RV25
255 34 129 RV29
251 200 232 RV32
244 148 206 RV34
255 182 201 RV42
132 40 70 RV69
250 201 238 RV91
235 154 189 RV93
195 110 153 RV95
77 52 64 RV99
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248 236 244 R000
249 231 244 R00
255 215 225 R01
255 194 200 R02
255 80 105 R05
255 62 94 R08
253 230 242 R11
255 200 201 R12
255 92 120 R14
255 70 113 R17
255 218 236 R20
255 173 194 R21
255 129 154 R22
255 66 119 R24
254 65 116 R27
236 26 98 R29
254 229 243 R30
255 162 195 R32
255 89 148 R35
229 68 126 R37
205 56 122 R39
255 137 172 R43
254 50 118 R46
210 57 107 R59
255 155 205 R81
255 124 173 R83
251 63 132 R85
129 36 60 R89
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255 233 233 YR000
255 225 225 YR00
255 197 194 YR01
255 169 163 YR02
255 155 89 YR04
255 84 78 YR07
255 81 85 YR09
245 180 80 YR12
255 163 109 YR14
255 131 81 YR15
255 140 84 YR16
255 101 84 YR18
251 232 229 YR20
255 224 190 YR21
255 198 133 YR23
255 188 106 YR24
254 226 184 YR31
255 201 196 YR61
255 156 139 YR65
255 72 60 YR68
255 156 120 YR82
51 51 51 ---
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252 255 244 Y000
240 246 229 Y00
232 248 162 Y02
233 254 127 Y04
233 255 115 Y06
246 237 80 Y08
238 246 205 Y11
236 247 166 Y13
244 236 126 Y15
255 213 119 Y17
255 217 93 Y18
255 218 80 Y19
247 234 199 Y21
252 228 197 Y23
241 214 133 Y26
220 192 152 Y28
254 227 201 Y32
255 215 135 Y35
255 178 103 Y38
51 51 51 ---
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234 251 192 YG00
220 253 160 YG01
195 241 129 YG03
178 248 134 YG05
156 246 138 YG06
134 242 125 YG07
48 222 111 YG09
223 244 222 YG11
198 246 141 YG13
131 207 123 YG17
231 244 190 YG21
202 247 120 YG23
166 231 113 YG25
188 241 213 YG41
138 219 173 YG45
174 213 175 YG63
114 189 116 YG67
230 224 209 YG91
207 208 161 YG93
201 190 111 YG95
166 155 91 YG97
139 136 90 YG99
51 51 51 ---
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223 245 253 G000
224 243 253 G00
133 238 195 G02
59 223 146 G03
0 218 127 G05
43 199 117 G07
0 204 123 G09
203 238 223 G12
107 232 129 G14
0 196 151 G16
0 197 143 G17
0 201 130 G19
237 243 236 G20
196 219 200 G21
164 217 173 G24
50 151 116 G28
46 143 117 G29
235 241 242 G40
189 221 182 G82
140 179 149 G85
148 179 140 G94
123 138 93 G99
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197 239 253 BG000
180 235 253 BG01
153 231 251 BG02
55 213 239 BG05
0 169 190 BG07
0 164 187 BG09
229 238 253 BG10
214 238 250 BG11
119 228 230 BG13
80 223 221 BG15
74 173 182 BG18
147 236 232 BG23
181 237 242 BG32
154 236 227 BG34
140 231 245 BG45
0 180 184 BG49
96 169 167 BG72
47 104 103 BG75
40 81 79 BG78
187 199 186 BG93
134 148 127 BG96
104 139 123 BG99
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
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51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
226 242 251 B000
217 236 255 B00
200 236 255 B01
163 226 255 B02
31 206 245 B04
0 188 242 B05
0 166 233 B06
178 227 255 B12
92 196 242 B14
18 180 239 B16
48 125 220 B18
215 229 255 B21
164 201 250 B23
134 202 253 B24
78 144 227 B26
25 92 212 B28
62 77 217 B29
218 231 255 B32
143 187 235 B34
47 121 182 B37
65 89 155 B39
217 230 255 B41
145 191 237 B45
177 219 242 B52
230 233 250 B60
191 205 247 B63
132 137 202 B66
75 69 167 B69
84 44 179 B79
215 230 248 B91
177 210 236 B93
153 196 227 B95
81 138 179 B97
58 97 134 B99
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
251 241 248 E0000
253 240 244 E000
255 238 246 E00
255 223 228 E01
255 210 213 E02
240 174 193 E04
247 105 123 E07
250 98 108 E08
236 81 95 E09
251 224 222 E11
251 199 188 E13
250 167 151 E15
169 61 67 E17
108 42 46 E18
220 83 87 E19
250 229 224 E21
225 153 143 E25
199 122 116 E27
164 83 84 E29
245 231 227 E30
243 223 210 E31
248 199 174 E33
242 193 168 E34
235 173 138 E35
221 132 100 E37
227 124 100 E39
246 240 252 E40
247 238 243 E41
236 218 214 E42
235 216 205 E43
206 171 149 E44
173 119 112 E47
111 82 81 E49
253 242 246 E50
254 240 242 E51
243 224 214 E53
237 207 181 E55
212 146 121 E57
167 103 92 E59
222 196 198 E70
223 190 196 E71
187 146 154 E74
175 122 129 E77
129 88 93 E79
255 207 213 E93
255 186 172 E95
255 173 136 E97
222 118 85 E99
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
236 233 255 C0
236 234 255 C1
234 229 251 C2
221 218 237 C3
193 195 221 C4
170 174 199 C5
139 143 168 C6
115 115 139 C7
89 88 108 C8
80 74 91 C9
75 70 87 C10
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
244 239 254 N0
236 225 246 N1
220 218 238 N2
210 209 228 N3
182 186 204 N4
159 164 180 N5
133 137 152 N6
105 109 122 N7
84 86 96 N8
81 84 92 N9
76 79 87 N10
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
232 231 250 T0
236 235 249 T1
219 218 234 T2
213 210 227 T3
192 190 201 T4
166 159 169 T5
133 132 138 T6
112 111 118 T7
81 75 79 T8
82 77 82 T9
70 69 75 T10
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
240 234 243 W0
237 231 241 W1
228 225 240 W2
226 220 230 W3
209 203 209 W4
181 171 172 W5
159 149 148 W6
132 122 122 W7
110 101 102 W8
92 83 85 W9
77 69 73 W10
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
51 51 51 ---
69 57 70 100
69 63 72 110
249 243 254 (PM Paper White)
255 135 205 FRV1
255 194 157 FYR1
252 246 171 FY1
224 255 182 FYG1
146 104 238 FV2
92 231 94 FYG2
113 228 242 FBG2
54 168 248 FB2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: Krita Color Palettes
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- art
- coloring
- drawing
- krita
- color-palette
## Changelog
{{< changelog >}}
{{< change 2023-03-23 "Initial creation" >}}
{{< /changelog >}}
{{< end_section >}}
## Palettes
{{< back_to_top >}}
Below you'll find a link to a color palette generator I use as well as a number of Krita color palettes I've created.
The zip files can be extracted into the Krita `palettes` directory for use. Please see the Krita official docs for more detail on how to setup a new palette.
- For an auto generator see <>
- [Copic Marker Colors for Krita](copic322_color.gpl)
- [Crayola Colors - 16 Box for Krita](
- [Crayola Colors - 24 Box for Krita](
- [Crayola Colors - 32 Box for Krita](
- [Crayola Colors - Colors of the World Box for Krita](
- [Crayola Colors - Gem Tones Box for Krita](
{{< back_to_top >}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: Zentangle Template Images
- KemoNine
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- tips
- art
- drawing
- zentangle
## Changelog
{{< changelog >}}
{{< change 2023-03-23 "Initial creation" >}}
{{< /changelog >}}
{{< end_section >}}
## Templates
{{< back_to_top >}}
The attached files are files I created as a 'Zentangle Template'. It's setup to be a 3.5" square with a 2nd 'circle' layer if you'd like to create a circular Zentangle. These are aimed at the digital artist who wants a basic canvas to start from.
[Download Krita (kra) File](Zentangle-template.kra)
[Download Photoshop (psd) File](Zentangle-template.psd)
{{< back_to_top >}}