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title: Minor Day Surgery
- Anonymous
- KemoNine (Ghost Writer)
publishDate: 2023-03-23
lastMod: 2023-03-23
toc: true
draft: false
- anecdote
- anecdote
- date: 2023-03-23
text: "Initial creation"
## The Scene
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Two disabled humans discussing surgery and medical test preparation procedures that can cause great harm. They have been comparing notes and cross referencing useful tricks for improving pre and post procedure outcomes.
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## An Anecdote
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Like, when I had my tubes tied 10yra ago that "minor" surgery wrecked [^1] me.
In hindsight I would have said, I can't do no eating/drinking 12hrs before because my body doesn't hold water well. I went into the surgery already dehydrated, and afterwards couldn't stop barfing because morphine, and they wouldn't let me go until I peed, but of course I couldn't pee because I was dehydrated af.
So next time: I will fast but not stop fluida until 1hr before (or whatever is actually necessary for me not to risk puking and choking). I would tell them, no opiates so come up with a different pain plan, and I would say leave the IV running until I feel ok to eat/drink (they turn it of in recovery so they know you are taking in enough fluids).
Anyway big meander to say, it might be worthwhile to talk about what you "really" need to do for this, and what else might be done to make it less grueling.
It would make the whole procedure less ruinous for your already stressed body, it would make you feel more in control and safe, and thus would hopefully dial down the triggery nature of another medical procedure.
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## Reflection(s)
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This was more along pacing strategy, with a twist of how to manage pacing and adaptations when you know you are going to encounter q major challenge to your system.
Trips to the dentist, travel, big events, sick loved one, all would be similar veins of discussion.
This is gonna be hella hard on me, how do I mitigate that?
it's also not "[initial title]" and just "minor day surgery" - which was part of the problem, "normal" people don't realize it isn't "minor" based on all the other shit I have going on.
So this is really about speaking up for accommodations other don't even realize you need. And I didn't realize I needed until I was on the other side and went: well THAT could have gone better.
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## Related Tips
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2023-03-23 18:18:46 +00:00
- [Negotiating With Doctors]({{< ref "/tips/" >}})
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## Footnotes
[^1]: By "wrecked" I just meant another thing that made my illness hella worse for a brief period
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