# Slideshow The below commands will setup ```fim``` as a slideshow on your display. ## Important Notes * ```fim``` will crash if there are no photos for it to use as a slideshow * You will likely want to tweak the ```fim``` command invocation below. These are great settings as a starting point but you'll probably want to make adjustments for your use case. * This setup uses ```incron``` to restart ```fim``` when photos are deleted from the pictures folder. Without this piece ```fim``` will crash if a picture is removed from the pictures directory prior to ```fim``` rescaning the pictures directory. ## Setup ``` sh useradd -m -G video -s /usr/sbin/nologin fim apt install acl setfacl -m "u:fim:rX" /tank/pictures setfacl -dm "u:fim:rX" /tank/pictures apt install fim imagemagick ttf-dejavu cat > /home/fim/.fimrc < /usr/local/bin/fim-slideshow.sh < /etc/systemd/system/fim.service < /etc/incron.d/feh <