# Bill Of Materials / Hardware Assumptions This is a surprisingly straight forward project that has minimal in the way of hardware requirements. Below you'll find a list of everything we recommend / assume. * [Raspberry Pi 4](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/) with at least 2Gb of RAM * An equivalent board with at least 2Gb of RAM capable of running Ubuntu 64bit Linux can be used instead but we do not support anything but the Raspberry Pi 4 at this time * **Please note: RAM usage is significantly affected by source image resolution /and/ panel size. 2Gb of RAM should be enough for a 2k screen and 20Mpx source images. If you're not sure get a 4Gb Raspberry Pi.** * HDMI Monitor (Verified Working) * Please note: **these are the panels we KNOW WORK** ; do not deviate unless you want to fiddle with a lot of boot loader configuration * [wisecoco 6" 2k lcd + driver board](https://wisecoco.en.alibaba.com/) * This is the *portrait* panel with 1440x2560 resolution * [wisecoco 10.1" 2k lcd + driver board](https://wisecoco.en.alibaba.com/) * This is the *portrait* panel with 1440x2560 resolution * HDMI Monitor (TESTING) * Please note: **these are the panels we are TESTING** ; do not use these unless you'd like to help us sort the settings needed for use * [wisecoco panels](https://wisecoco.en.alibaba.com/) * Fan/Cooling * The [Argon Fan Hat](https://www.argon40.com/argon-fan-hat-for-raspberry-pi-4-raspberry-pi-3b-and-raspberry-pi-3-b.html) is a nice adjustable fan setup for the Raspberry Pis. We recommend this as the fan to use. * *Please Note*: The Pimoroni Fan Shim *will cause problems*. Do **NOT** use it for your PiFrame build. We promise, it's unwise due to the pinout and more. * USB to Serial adapter * There are a lot of options, choose one you know that will work well * Adafruit and SparkFun are good choices for serial to usb adapters * HDMI cable that will work with your panel and the Raspberry Pi. You can use an adapter if needed. * USB disk (thumb drive / ssd) for storing pictures * This is optional but will help prevent micro sd card wear if regularly changing photos or running backups * The Sandisk Ultra Fit USB disks are great options and work well with the Raspberry Pi boards * 1x micro sd card * Must be **at least** 16Gb. The base install of software consumes almost 8Gb of storage, you'll want more than 8Gb to properly buffer updates and upgrades * Power supply (at least 2.4A to avoid voltage issues) * We have used the [Anker PowerPort II 2](https://www.anker.com/products/variant/powerport-ii-2/A2027121) successfully