# Monit Dashboard ## Description Python web application to get a dashboard of a bunch of [Monit] servers at a glance. ## How does it work? Every 300 seconds (hardcoded) the application ask for the data served by the Monit built-in web server in a XMl report from each configured server. Then, thanks to the built-in web server, it is displayed in a single HTML page. ## Pre requisites ### Debian GNU/Linux #### Web.py framework - `apt install python-webpy` #### Python libraries - `apt install python-xmltodict python-requests` ### CentOS #### Python PIP - `yum install epel-release` - `yum install python-pip` #### Web.py framework - `pip install web.py` #### Python libaries - `yum install python-requests python-xmltodict python-simplejson` ## Requisites - Config file `conf/servers.json` prior run. You might find a sample file at `conf/servers.json.example`. - Please see [Config](#config) section for further details. - Set Environment variable DOWNLOAD_API_URL. You can download the complete status report in excel format and this download feature is implemented in API /download. If you are running your app in, ``` DOWNLOAD_API_URL= ``` ## Run `./bin/monit-dashboard.py` By default, it will be reachable at . You might change the port by adjusting `app.run(port=8080)` in `bin/monit-dashboard.py` file. ## References - [web.py 0.3 tutorial][webpy-tutorial] - [Learn Python the hard way, ex 50][lpthw] - [A template example][template-example] - [How to change HTTP server port][port] ## Config - Placed in `conf/servers.json` - Sample settings as follows: ``` { "My server to monit": { "url": "http://example.com:2812", "user": "monit", "passwd": "*****" } } ``` # Credits - [Original idea][idea] - Frontend support: Júlia Vázquez - [Icons] - [Accordion menu][accordion] # License [AGPL][license] [accordion]: http://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_accordion.asp [icons]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:House [idea]: https://imil.net/blog/2016/03/16/Fetch-monit-status-in-JSON/ [license]: LICENSE [lpthw]: https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex50.html [monit]: https://mmonit.com/monit/ [port]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14444913/web-py-specify-address-and-port [template-example]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28508869/using-web-py-to-dynamically-output-values-from-process-initiated-by-form-submiss [webpy]: http://webpy.org/ [webpy-tutorial]: http://webpy.org/tutorial3.en