#!/usr/bin/python import web import requests, xmltodict, json, os, sys import datetime urls = ('/', 'index', '/help', 'help' ) app = web.application(urls, globals()) render = web.template.render('templates/', base="layout") ## Uncomment to turn debug off web.config.debug = False ## Variables output = [] ## Functions def getMonit(): output = [] server = {} checks = {} xmlQuery = "/_status?format=xml" with open('{0}/conf/servers.json'.format(os.path.expanduser('.'))) as f: cf = json.loads(f.read()) for site in cf: s = cf[site] r = requests.get(s['url'] + xmlQuery, auth = (s['user'], s['passwd'])) allstat = json.loads(json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(r.text)['monit'])) services = allstat['service'] status = {} checks = {} for service in services: name = service['name'] status[name] = int(service['status']) checks[service['name']] = status[name] server = dict(name = site, url = s['url'], result = checks) output.append(server) print(datetime.datetime.now()) return(output) ## Classes class monitDashboard(web.application): def run(self, port=8080, *middleware): func = self.wsgifunc(*middleware) return web.httpserver.runsimple(func, ('', port)) class index(object): def GET(self): return render.index(output = getMonit(), now = datetime.datetime.now()) class help(object): def GET(self): return render.help() ## Main if __name__ == "__main__": app = monitDashboard(urls, globals()) app.run(port=8080)