#!/bin/bash WG_KEY_SERVER=$(wg showconf wg0 | grep PrivateKey | awk '{ print $3 }' | wg pubkey) WG_KEY_PRIVATE=$(wg genkey) WG_KEY_PUBLIC=$(echo $WG_KEY_PRIVATE | wg pubkey) echo " ---------- Update the name and ip below and then add to the 'host_vars/dispatcher' file wg_additional_host_keys: - name: name public_key: $WG_KEY_PUBLIC wireguard_ip: 192.168.254.n wireguard_persistent_keepalive: 30 ---------- Use the following wireguard config on the new client Update the server endpoint IP in Peer and the Interface Address [Interface] PrivateKey = $WG_KEY_PRIVATE ListenPort = 51820 Address = 192.168.254.n/32 [Peer] PublicKey = $WG_KEY_SERVER AllowedIPs = Endpoint = ip:51821 PersistentKeepalive = 30 ---------- "