--- # The LOCAL directory where the Wireguard certificate is stored after it was # generated. By default this will expand to user's LOCAL ${HOME} # (the user that run's "ansible-playbook" command) plus # "/wireguard/certs". That means if the user's ${HOME} directory is e.g. # "/home/da_user" then "wireguard_cert_directory" will have a value of # "/home/da_user/wireguard/certs". If you change this make sure that # the parent directory is writable by the user that runs "ansible-playbook" # command. wireguard_cert_directory: "{{ '~/wireguard/certs' | expanduser }}" # Directory to store Wireguard configuration on the remote hosts wireguard_remote_directory: "/etc/wireguard" # The port Wireguard will listen on. wireguard_port: "51820" # The interface name that wireguard should use. wireguard_interface: "wg0" # TODO: Currently the role only supports full mesh network. But there # should also be the possibility to have only one server and many # peers. Needs to be implemented so this variable isn't used yet. # wireguard_server: ""