--- - name: (Raspbian) Install GPG - required to add wireguard key apt: name: gnupg state: present - name: (Raspbian) Add Debian repository key apt_key: keyserver: "keyserver.ubuntu.com" id: "04EE7237B7D453EC" state: present when: ansible_lsb.id == "Raspbian" tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Add Debian Unstable repository for WireGuard apt_repository: repo: "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian unstable main" state: present update_cache: yes tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Install latest kernel apt: name: - "raspberrypi-kernel" state: latest register: kernel_update tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Reboot after kernel update (Ansible >= 2.8) reboot: search_paths: ['/lib/molly-guard', '/usr/sbin'] when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.8.0', '>=') - kernel_update is changed tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Check if molly-guard is installed (Ansible < 2.8) stat: path: /lib/molly-guard/ register: molly_guard - name: (Raspbian) Reboot after kernel update (Ansible < 2.8, no molly-guard) reboot: when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.8.0', '<') - kernel_update is changed - not molly_guard.stat.exists tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Reboot after kernel update (Ansible < 2.8, with molly-guard) command: /lib/molly-guard/shutdown -r now async: 1 poll: 0 ignore_unreachable: yes when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.8.0', '<') - kernel_update is changed - molly_guard.stat.exists tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Waiting for host to be available (Ansible < 2.8, with molly-guard) wait_for_connection: when: - ansible_version.full is version('2.8.0', '<') - kernel_update is changed - molly_guard.stat.exists tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Install latest kernel headers to compile Wireguard with DKMS apt: name: - "raspberrypi-kernel-headers" state: latest tags: - wg-install - name: (Raspbian) Install wireguard packages apt: name: - "wireguard-dkms" - "wireguard-tools" state: present tags: - wg-install