FROM ubuntu:latest # General 'stuff' VOLUME /opt/pictures VOLUME /opt/misc ENV CONFIG_NOTIFY_EMAIL=user@domain.tld ENV CONFIG_NOTIFY_SMTP_SERVER=mail.domain.tld ENV CONFIG_NOTIFY_SMTP_USER=user@domain.tld ENV CONFIG_NOTIFY_SMTP_PASS=apassword # Ansible related 'stuff' VOLUME /opt/ansible # rtty 'stuff' ENV CONFIG_RTTY_USER=admin ENV CONFIG_RTTY_PASS=apassword EXPOSE 5913 VOLUME /opt/rtty # Monit related 'stuff' ENV CONFIG_MONIT_USER=admin ENV CONFIG_MONIT_PASS=apassword EXPOSE 2812/tcp EXPOSE 2811/tcp VOLUME /opt/monit VOLUME /opt/monit-dashboard # Wireguard related 'stuff' EXPOSE 51820/udp VOLUME /lib/modules VOLUME /opt/wireguard # SyncThing related 'stuff' EXPOSE 8384/tcp EXPOSE 22000/tcp VOLUME /opt/syncthing # FileBrowser related 'stuff' EXPOSE 9191/tcp VOLUME /opt/filebrowser # Munin related 'stuff' VOLUME /opt/munin EXPOSE 2813 # Dashboard related 'stuff' VOLUME /opt/dashboard EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 # Run s6-overlay as the init so we get services and similar ENTRYPOINT [ "/init" ] # Don't bother us for selections during install ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" # We work off /opt, the *nix way WORKDIR /opt/ # need to figure out if arm64/arm64 32bit multilib/arm/x86-64 COPY /opt/ # Install and base setup all the things # The shell has to be bash for asdf to work properly - its needed for rtty and rttys SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && \ apt install -y python3 curl jq bash unzip nano git tmux htop iotop nload && \ ARCH=$(/opt/; \ echo "**** Detected arch: $ARCH ****" && \ S6_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "" \ | jq -r .[0].name); \ echo "**** s6-overlay release: ${S6_RELEASE} ****" && \ echo "**** Installing s6-overlay ****" && \ curl -L${ARCH}.tar.gz \ -o /opt/s6-overlay.tar.gz && \ tar xzf /opt/s6-overlay.tar.gz -C / --exclude="./bin" && \ tar xzf /opt/s6-overlay.tar.gz -C /usr ./bin && \ echo "**** wireguard ****" && \ apt install -y build-essential ifupdown net-tools iproute2 iptables iputils-ping libc6 libelf-dev pkg-config && \ WIREGUARD_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "" \ | jq -r .[0].name); \ git clone /opt/wireguard-tools && \ cd /opt/wireguard-tools && \ git checkout "${WIREGUARD_RELEASE}" && \ make -C src -j$(nproc) && \ make -C src install && \ cd /opt && \ echo "**** monit related ***" && \ apt install -y monit python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel && \ pip3 install xmltodict requests xlsxwriter && \ echo "**** munin related ****" && \ apt install -y munin lighttpd && \ echo "**** rtty related ****" && \ apt install -y libev4 build-essential cmake libev-dev libssl-dev && \ if [ ! -d "/opt/rtty_build" ] ; then mkdir /opt/rtty_build; fi && \ cd /opt/rtty_build && \ mkdir rtty && \ cd rtty && \ git clone --recursive . && \ mkdir build && cd build && \ cmake .. && make install && \ cd /opt && \ mkdir /opt/rtty_build/rttys && \ cd /opt/rtty_build/rttys && \ git clone . && \ git checkout $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) && \ git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.8.0-rc1 && \ . $HOME/.asdf/ && \ asdf update && \ asdf plugin add golang && \ asdf install golang latest && \ asdf global golang $(asdf latest golang) && \ go get -u && \ cp ~/.asdf/installs/golang/$(asdf latest golang)/packages/bin/rttys /usr/local/bin/ && \ cd /opt && \ echo "**** dashboard related ****" && \ apt install -y lighttpd && \ echo "**** syncthing ****" && \ curl -s | apt-key add - && \ echo "deb syncthing stable" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list && \ apt update && apt install -y syncthing && \ echo "**** rclone ****" && \ curl | bash && \ echo "**** filebrowser ****" && \ curl -fsSL | bash && \ echo "**** ansible ****" && \ apt install -y python3-apt sshpass ansible ansible-lint ansible-doc && \ echo "**** misc ****" && \ apt install -y msmtp msmtp-mta ca-certificates && \ echo "**** cleanup ****" && \ rm /opt/ && \ rm /opt/s6-overlay.tar.gz && \ rm -rf /opt/wireguard-tools && \ rm -rf /opt/rtty_build && \ rm -rf ~/.asdf && \ apt remove --purge -y build-essential cmake pkg-config libelf-dev libev-dev libssl-dev unzip && \ apt autoremove --purge -y && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Copy the s6 related 'stuff' to the container ADD /root/ /